Tunatoa huduma ya uchunguzi na matibabu kwa wagonjwa
Matibabu ya haraka kwa wagonjwa wa dhurarua na ajali
Tunatoa huduma upasuaji mdogo, mkubwa na wakibobezi
Tunafanya vipimo vya maabara na mionzi aina zote
You regard a Hospital that is being empowered with highly specialized and super specialized medical personnel to intervene and resolve your medical issues at highest level in the world`s medical standards. Apart from curing, we do medical training and conduct research. I hope going through our website, the web-pages will enable you to know us, what we do and how we do it. I thank you.
Idara ya Uhandisi inashirikiana na TEHAMA kufanya ubunifu
Idara ya magonjwa ya dharura na ajali imeboreshwa